A few people have asked me how I got into drawing “seriously” in the first place.
We all started with a blank sheet of paper or coloring books and a bunch of colorful crayons, pens, and pencils. In fact, I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember. But I didn’t really take it seriously until I spent my summer days with this guy:

This is my uncle, Albert Madarang happily eating a piece of waffle with loads of butter and syrup~ xD My sister and I took summer classes with him when I was about 8-years-old. We drew a bunch of Disney stuff back then, and I couldn’t control my pencil properly so my lines were always heavy, and erasing any mistakes made the table shake “like an earthquake” as my uncle would put it. xDDD
I really thought it was a one-time thing, but when I began watching Sailor Moon when I was 11, I took lessons again, this time with my nephew, because my sister was no longer interested.
I continued taking summer classes with him until I was 16. He patiently taught me anatomy, perspective, colors, and all the basic principles I still use in drawing today. :D We only stopped having summer classes because I entered college for formal training.
Lessons with him were the best summers of my life~ Which is why I continue to draw today and even took the same course as he did in Fine Arts: Advertising.
But the most important lesson he taught me?
“Put the drawing aside when you get frustrated. Rest when you’re tired… drawing should always be fun.”
So yeah, if you like my work, thank this guy~ He is the awesome-est~ ♥