I had promised my new editor that I would post sneak peaks of the pages I’m working on… I’m still shy about posting the title of this new manga, but we’ll see in the coming days…~ Σ(-`Д´-ノ;)ノ

So far so good! ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚ I’m still not done penciling the details of some of the panels, but page one is looking satisfactory already.

Page two looks ok too, but the first panel of this page is giving me a lot of trouble with the perspectives. Argh… o(~>.<)o if I could just draw the characters all day long, this would be finished a lot faster! (,,#゚Д゚)
I’m glad I was able to settle on the names though… and the uniform too! Designing girl’s uniforms are crazy challenging! ( ´ω`)
So, what do you think Misaki-chan? Does it look shoujo enough? (。-ω-)☆

Oh, and I’m just going to leave this close up of the chibi panel here… just ‘coz~ ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ
I’m penciling page 3 now and I have cover ideas for the first and second chapter. This manga is flowing much easier for some reason, but designing the panels just… confuses me. (シ_ _)シ I don’t know how shoujo mangakas do this, haha… it’s uncharted territory!
Anyway, back to work before Editor-san catches me slacking off! ヽ(・ω・ゞ)